Monday, March 26, 2012

March Instructions - 1" Challenge Quilt

(1 Inch Squares)
When working with tiny pieces like this, there are three important things:
Accurate cutting
Accurate seam allowances
Accurate pressing
If you are careful with these three things, the quilt will irave -ut"hing seams and lie flat. If not, there will be trouble all the way.
If you don't have a 1/4" presser foot, measure carefully from the needle and put a piece of masking tape or moleskin at exactly 1/4". Take the time to sew a few pieces and measure, just to be sure you,re right on the mark. There are so many seams in this quilt that just atiny difference can make a huge diiference in just a few seams.
This month we are going to be working with the dark colors.
Cut all the darks into l'5" strips. If you're using fat quarters, cut them the shortest way (about lg,,long) for the most efficient use of fabric. If you're usingicrapr f.o- your stash, just cut them so your strips are fairly close to the same length as each other.
You will be sewing the strips into sets, then cutting the strip sets into 1.5 inch strips. Here is a chartof what you will need when you're finished:
This is an illustration of the strips of 10.
Press all the seams in I direction.
Cut 4 1.5" strips. Decide
how you can best use the rest.

120 1.5 inch squares
4 strips of l0
18 strips of 9
171 strips of 8
18 strips of 7
22 strips of 6
18 strips of 5
310 strips of 4 (put 288 of them into a zip lock bag. Keep 22 with the dark strip sets)
18 strips of 3
22 strips of 2
1. Sew the strip sets. Sew just enough of each set so you will be able to cut the required number of strips from the strip sets.
2. After you have sewn enough strips, press the seams in one direction.
3. Cut the number of required l.5" strips from the strip sets.
Note: It is sometimes possible to remove a strip to get some of the next size down. For example, after you have cut 4 strips from the sets of 10, just remove one strip and cut sets of 9. Or, you could g.i t*o sets of 5, etc. The point is that sometimes you will be able to get more than the required number from the strip sets. Of course, for some of the sets, you will be making many, many strip sets in order to cut the number you need.
Organize your strip sets into convenient piles or bags. I like to use a cookie sheet or box lid, but zip lock bags can work just great.
Next month we will use the strips to construct parts.

Challenge Quilt 2012

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