A great holiday party was held at Laura's house last week. Excellent food and company. We played games and had show and tell as well as talking about the new year and plans for our meetings and service projects. It was a small group - 16 of us - but it was tons of fun! Our new president - Kathy Hurst - gave us a brief rundown of what is to come. We will be making baby blankets for the hospital as they are in need. Our new location this year will be at the
Arts and Events Center and meetings will start at
6 p.m. each 3rd Wednesday of the month. There will be some "sew weekends" (TBD) throughout the year as well.
Pictures of the party (sorry my camera was being weird - the quality isn't too great)
Baby blankets we finished in November |
Made by Devin Hancock |
Gayle Shumway |
Kathy Hurst |
Laura's tee shirt quilt |
Getting ready to stuff our faces! |
President Kathy telling us about plans for 2017 |
Sylvia Roberts |
Anyone interested in joining our guild should come to the
January 18th meeting and get started - it will be an eventful year!!! Beginners welcome! (as well as accomplished sewers) We would love to get some "new blood" in our group. The yearly dues are $20. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact one of us!!! Kathy Hurst, President; Deb Bayles, Vice; Marcia Johnson, Treasurer