Donation Policy

Donation Policy

Grayson Country Quilters receive numerous requests for donating quilts for raffles, charity events, etc.  Because of the time and effort involved in making a donation quilt, the following guidelines have been established. 

The minimum value of a completed quilt is $500.00.  Grayson Country Quilters will require an organization to raise at least $500.00 for any quilt that is provided by the Guild.  In addition, requesting organizations will be asked to provide a portion of the ‘cost’ for the quilt.

1.       Requests for a donation quilt need to be made the Grayson Country Quilters President three months prior to the event so that the Guild officers may determine if there is enough time to complete the request based upon Grayson Country Quilters other pending projects.

2.       The requesting organization will provide a previously made quilt top. 

a.       Quilt tops may be found on or  Sometimes, you can find a bargain.

b.      The local quilt guild president may also know of individuals who will sell you a quilt top.

3.      Grayson Country Quilters will provide the backing, binding and pay for the machine quilting.

4.     The requesting organization will provide a 5-10 minute presentation at the end of the fund raising event, specifying how the funds were raised, and the total amount earned for the quilt, etc.  This accountability is required if the requesting organization desires Grayson Country Quilters assistance in the future.  Otherwise, future requests will be denied.

Again, the requesting organization must be committed to making at least $500.00, a minimum value of the quilt, and have plans in place to generate such revenue.

The Grayson Country Quilters enjoys providing resources to the community to benefit local interests, but also recognizes that the time and effort put towards such a cause necessitate a minimum financial remuneration for both the Quilt Guild and the requesting organization.

Effective January 1, 2012