Sunday, September 10, 2017

September Retreat

Our yearly retreat was held at the Lund Ranch in Long Canyon.  We "camped out" for 4 days in total bliss.  Debbie Christiansen put this event together and it was the best ever!  Sewing, eating, visiting, and sooooo much laughter!!!  Twenty ladies sewed from morning to night and some kept sewing into the next morning.  We played some very fun quilting games; quilters strip poker (Deb was the best stripper), bingo (the quilter bingo card will be turned into a charity quilt) and "snip, tear, drop and pass" (you had to be there, ha).  Of course, food was plentiful (too plentiful actually - it will be a week of dieting now).  Nicole Ivins lead us in the quilters shuffle to get our exercise in.  We were exhausted from laughter.  But the best was our location.  Allen and Kathy Lund invited us to their "cabin" and what gracious hosts!  We stayed in the bunk-house and sewed in the garage - note pictures below!!!  Cathy demonstrated the techniques to make a "Wandering through the Woods" quilt and Deb taught "Ripple".  Some ladies made these and some worked on UFO's or started new quilts.  Mostly - we just enjoyed each others company!!


Nicole's adorable critter quilt
DeAnn winning quilters bingo

These ladies were pretty crazy with card games at night (and LOUD!!)
Nancy showing some items for Primary Childrens
Michelle finished a Ripple quilt - beautiful!

Jeri shows her red and white quilt.  We hope to all have one made for 2018 July show

Bonnie won Judges Choice at the county fair with this tricot beauty

Marcia's cute snow ball

Norma - sooo beautiful

Daphanie has a couple to show

Our group

And this is our Bunk House!!!!!

The sewing garage - (best place we've ever sewn in!!)

Rooms with a view

Our group busy, busy, busy

Sydney finished an UFO the first day!!

Early morning moon.  Picture doesn't capture the beauty.

Our daily guests

Breakfast cooks for Thursday


Laura finished this "Mesmerizing" quilt

Cathy did hand work


Bonnie works on a woven rug

Sallie starting her Ripple quilt - she kept us laughing!!

Sheri works on her project

Nicole - adorable stocking!!

Kathy gets a couple rows done on 'Wandering Through the Woods"

Daphanie sews and sews and sews

Tauna shows Nancy her wool work

New member Jackie works on her demo quilt

Kathy gives directions for Strip Poker

The group with the most "strips"

Gayle busy with her aprons

Our queen of dance - Nicole!!  The Quilters Shuffle may be the newest dance craze now!!

Beautiful Kathy!

Sidney has a beauty too!

Deb made another Ripple

LaRue deep in thought

Nancy finishes a project from YEARS ago!

And Sallie finished it!!!!

Quilters Bingo
Our next meeting will be October 18th at the library (6 pm).