Thursday, January 19, 2017

January Meeting - Off to a Great Year!

GCQ met January 18 at the Blanding Arts and Events Center and the room was full!  So exciting to have new faces! Twenty nine lovely ladies showed up and many were first time attendees.  We hope it won't be their last.  The presidency of Kathy, Marcia and Deb explained the events and expectations of the year.  Regular meetings will take place on the 3rd Wednesday of the month beginning at 6 p.m. Every other month (usually) there will be a "sew weekend" with the regular meeting on the Friday of that weekend at 6 p.m.  These weekends will be used to work on the hospital baby blankets, which will be our charity project this year; one of the special quilts that were presented at the meeting; or any project that needs worked on.  The presidency hopes that members will choose one of the three quilt patterns to make so that we have a good showing at the July 4th Quilt Show.  It is a way to show how one pattern can look so different by the choice of fabric used.  A short video was presented to show how to make the self binding receiving blankets.  Kits for these blankets were distributed for members to make.
Round Table of Quilters
Deb shows her "Gypsy Girl" quilt

Tawna Larson (our new area rep for UQG) talks about upcoming projects for the Utah Quilt Guild

Sylvia's Packers Quilt

Our next meeting will be a  "sew weekend" on February 10 & 11.  Please feel free to join our guild - just call Kathy, Marcia or Deb.  Membership dues are $20.  Remember - we LOVE new faces and the opportunity to teach the craft of making quilts to anyone interested.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

A Note from Our President

Want to learn to quilt?

Well, you're in luck, because we want to teach you!  Grayson Country Quilters has a fun and productive 2017 planned, and we'd like to start the year with a class for beginning quilters.  It's free! You provide the sewing machine and supplies, and we'll provide teachers and enthusiasm.  If you'd like to know more, come to our first meeting on Wednesday, January 18, at 6:00 p.m. in the conference room of the Arts and Events Center in Blanding. Or call me at 678-3305 (Kathy Hurst) for details.

If you decide to join, dues are $20 per year, and we meet on the third Wednesday of most months. (Sometimes we do sew weekends)  Our meetings generally consist of lots of visiting, door prizes, birthday gifts, demonstrations, show and tell, quilting trips and refreshments.

This year we have fun plans that include classes for beginners, weekend sew-in's, a youth quilt camp, the July 4th quilt show, a summer luncheon, a 3 day quilting retreat in a beautiful cabin, and a Christmas dinner and party.  There will be demonstrations and visiting experts and a year-long charity project.  Quilters of all levels of expertise and ages are welcome and needed.

We'd love for you to join us and bring a friend.  Mark your calendars for January 18 at 6:00 p.m. at the Arts and Events Center.  Visit our Facebook page also!

Kathy Hurst
2017 GCQ President