Tuesday, January 26, 2016

January 2016

Our January meeting was held at the Arts and Events Center as the library (our usual meeting spot) wasn't available.  Our new President is Marcia Johnson and her helpers are Kathleen Lyman and new member DeAnn Ivins.

Baby Blankets to Africa!!

Jerry & Tina Murdock told about their October trip to Africa.  The GCQ sent over 40 baby blankets with them to give to new mothers at a remote hospital.  However, they had to find more gifts as there were over 60 newborns that day!!  Thankfully they were able to give each new mother a gift.  We were so glad to be a part of this wonderful experience!!!
As there are no facilities for Premature babies, the tiny newborns are kept wrapped at the mothers chest to keep them warm.

An excited new mother gets a beautiful new blanket for her baby!!!

Show & Tell

Jeri finishes a Twister quilt - it only took 1 year!!

Cathy has been busy with table toppers and runners.

Debbie shows her quilt of "Thing My Mother Said" - Adorable!!

February Quilt Guild will be a charity sew weekend - Feb 19 & 20.  We will be sewing projects for the Primary Children's Hospital Festival of Trees event for 2016.