Friday, December 18, 2015

End of Year Party!

The guild met Wednesday, December 16th for their end of year holiday party.  Marcia and MaryHelen created a delicious meal of chicken enchiladas and decadent raspberry cheesecake. Marcia will be the new 2016 President with Kathleen Lyman and new member DeAnn Ivins as her helpers. Thanks guys for volunteering to lead us next year!!!

 We started out the evening (after we stuffed ourselves) with show and tell.

Norma has been busy!!

Sallie shows her pinwheel 

Jeri has such talent!!  She is going to show us how to make this too!!

Marcia with the cheerleader quilt she made her granddaughter

Carol Dawn Black crocheted this masterpiece for Sallie for Christmas

Sherrie is making cute little purses.  Adorable!

Gift Exchange

Members brought 3 of their favorite "sewing" things for the gift exchange.  Everyone told why it is their favorite thing then names were drawn to receive the gift.  In the end, everyone went home with 3 new favorite things!  It was a very fun evening and we are all looking forward to 2016!!

The January meeting will NOT be held at the library - location has not been determined, but we will keep you posted.

We invite anyone to join us for 2016 - it is such a fun time.