Debbie Christiansen our fearless leader came up with a game to exchange the pin cushions, here is the results...some very unique, and fun cushions and happy recipients.
For our show and tell, there is always beautiful work to show.
Eve Lyn Perkins
The quilt below some of the guild members are also making, we have nicknamed it
"The Eve Lyn Quilt"
Marcia Johnson finished up this wave quilt top that she started at the Sept 2014 retreat and the other one which has been in the making for 10 years.
Shari Guymon also finished up a 20+ yr quilt top.
Bonnie Meyer shows off her creation from the Feb 2015 retreat.
Annie Charles has been busy collecting fabric for the Valor quilts she is making for the Aneth Chapter Veterans, she has also finished up some projects for her family.
Deb Bayles demo the quilt that we will make at the Sept 2015 Retreat, she did a great job on this one.
Also Gail and Worthy Glover are coming up with different ideas for projects for the Sept Retreat here is another possibility.
Refreshments by:
Eve Lyn Perkins
Gayle Shumway
Thank you ladies for a fun evening.